Oficialismo empieza a montar su tarima en el Puente Las Tienditas (Fotos) #21Feb
El oficialismo comenzó desde tempranas horas de este jueves a montar la tarima para el concierto que realizará por tres días en el Puente Las Tienditas, simultáneamente cuando del lado colombiano se realizará otro en apoyo al ingreso de la ayuda humanitaria.
Workers set up a stage for a concert organized by the government of Venzuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Tienditas Bridge in Tachira, Venezuela, in defiance to the pro-aid concert that backs the initiative of opposition leader Juan Guaido, just on the other side of the bridge in Cucuta, Colombia on February 21, 2019. – Underlining the swell of international support for Guaido, British entrepreneur Richard Branson plans to hold a pro-aid concert just inside Colombia on Friday, while Maduro’s government stages a rival concert on its side of the border, around 1,000 feet (300 meters) away. (Photo by Juan BARRETO / AFP)Workers set up a stage for a concert organized by the government of Venzuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Tienditas Bridge in Tachira, Venezuela, in defiance to the pro-aid concert that backs the initiative of opposition leader Juan Guaido, just on the other side of the bridge in Cucuta, Colombia on February 21, 2019. – Underlining the swell of international support for Guaido, British entrepreneur Richard Branson plans to hold a pro-aid concert just inside Colombia on Friday, while Maduro’s government stages a rival concert on its side of the border, around 1,000 feet (300 meters) away. (Photo by Juan BARRETO / AFP)Workers set up a stage for a concert organized by the government of Venzuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Tienditas Bridge in Tachira, Venezuela, in defiance to the pro-aid concert that backs the initiative of opposition leader Juan Guaido, just on the other side of the bridge in Cucuta, Colombia on February 21, 2019. – Underlining the swell of international support for Guaido, British entrepreneur Richard Branson plans to hold a pro-aid concert just inside Colombia on Friday, while Maduro’s government stages a rival concert on its side of the border, around 1,000 feet (300 meters) away. (Photo by Juan BARRETO / AFP)Workers set up a stage for a concert organized by the government of Venzuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Tienditas Bridge in Tachira, Venezuela, in defiance to the pro-aid concert that backs the initiative of opposition leader Juan Guaido, just on the other side of the bridge in Cucuta, Colombia on February 21, 2019. – Underlining the swell of international support for Guaido, British entrepreneur Richard Branson plans to hold a pro-aid concert just inside Colombia on Friday, while Maduro’s government stages a rival concert on its side of the border, around 1,000 feet (300 meters) away. (Photo by Juan BARRETO / AFP)Workers set up a stage for a concert organized by the government of Venzuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Tienditas Bridge in Tachira, Venezuela, in defiance to the pro-aid concert that backs the initiative of opposition leader Juan Guaido, just on the other side of the bridge in Cucuta, Colombia on February 21, 2019. – Underlining the swell of international support for Guaido, British entrepreneur Richard Branson plans to hold a pro-aid concert just inside Colombia on Friday, while Maduro’s government stages a rival concert on its side of the border, around 1,000 feet (300 meters) away. (Photo by Juan BARRETO / AFP)General view of the blocked Tienditas bridge in Urena, Tachira state, Venezuela, on the border with Colombia, on February 21, 2019. – Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido defiantly set out Thursday to personally collect US-supplied food and medicine stockpiled in Colombia, where President Maduro has already ordered the military to barricade a major border bridge to prevent supplies from entering the country from Cucuta. (Photo by Juan BARRETO / AFP)
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